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Box Tops


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Clip and Earn

Earn cash for your school every time you shop for groceries. ClipBox Tops from hundreds of your

1. Clip Box Tops available on hundreds of products

2. Return Box Tops to your teacher or the school office in a baggie or provided collection sheet with your child’s Room number on it.

Each Box Topis worth 10¢ for our school – and that adds up fast!

Products: Over 200 brands including Cheerios, Ziplocs, Pillsbury, Green Giant, Go-gurts, Kleenex, and many more.Complete list of participating products:

Our school ID for  is 196867, and our school ID for is 2000-0000-0895-110.

Click and Earn

You can earn free eBoxTops by doing simple online activities like taking a surveyor watching a video. There’s no purchase necessary and each activity only takesa few minutes. Visit

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